FYI: There is an order minimum of six pallets for all broom items
Imported from abroad and hand-scented in America, our heather brooms bring the scent of the season to you. Made of only the finest materials and scented with essential cinnamon oils, they are treasures in their own right. Place your order now for fall delivery to experience the aroma of the holidays. The Buffalo Broom Co. scented line includes items such as our hand scented brooms, wreaths, pine cones, and mistletoe.
Call customer service today for more information on our line of scented products. We look forward to meeting your needs.

Your Buffalo Broom Company sales and customer service staff are at your service.
7:30 am - 4:00 pm EST
800.724.7300 ext. 337 (TOLL FREE)
585.344.0044 (FAX)
Email us at customerservice@willowgroupltd.com